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Applicant's Statement and Acknowledgement

I, hereby apply for employment with Lucky Family of Businesses. The facts set forth in this application for employment are true, complete and correct. I understand and agree that any misrepresentation, false statement or omission of any fact on this application will be sufficient reason for dismissal or refusal of employment. Furthermore, I understand and agree that should I become employed by one of the Lucky Family of Companies and it is later discovered that information that I have provided on this application or any supplement to or any other corporate records is misrepresented, omitted or falsified, Lucky Family of Companies may immediately terminate my employment upon discovery of such omission, misrepresentation or falsification. I also understand that this application is, nor is not intended to be terminated by either party with or without notice, at any time or for any reason. No one other than an officer of the Company has any authority to enter into any agreement contrary to the foregoing, unless in writing and signed by an officer. I also hereby give permission to contact the above listed employers concerning my prior work experience, excepted as note above.

Copyright 2016  Lucky Family of Excellence

Design by Callender Creative Consulting

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