Our Mission is to provide our customers with the utmost professional care and attention in the variety of service that we offer to foster a safe work environment.
Safety awareness in the workplace is important to everyone from upper management to hourly field employees; we all have a right to a safe and healthy work environment. It is important that employees have a clear and workable plan to enhance workplace safety. Lucky Health & Safety can be a vital part of that plan to ensure the wellbeing of workers striving to be the best and most capable safety services company in the industry.
To Our Customers.....Superior Respectful Service, Operational Efficiency and
Safe Work Environment
To Our Employee’s.....Safe, Respectful Work Environment with the opportunity for growth and development.
To our Community.....Sharing our success by recognizing the importance of giving back to the community by active participation
in local community events, and by
encouraging volunteerism.
Mission Statement